
Top tips for sending money overseas

It seems simple enough. You need to move your money from one country to another. You will need to change your money into another currency and transfer it to a bank account in a foreign country.

Surprisingly for something so simple, this is where the complications can begin.

You can find yourself bogged down by unfavourable exchange rates and expensive transfer fees from your bank or get stung by fluctuating market rates.

With this handy guide you'll see it's easy to save hundreds, even thousands, on your international money transfer and foreign exchange needs.

1 - Get the best possible exchange rate

Using a typical high street bank to make your international money transfers means that you may not get the best exchange rate. This is because typical banks do not specialise in foreign exchange or international money transfers; they do lots of different things, think mortgages, personal banking and credit card services.

You wouldn't use a barber to remove your appendix, or get a doctor to cut your hair – you know that using a specialist is always best and it’s the same when sending money overseas.

If you use a foreign exchange specialist like the Mirror Money Transfer Service – provided by exchange experts Moneycorp, you will enjoy more competitive exchange rates and lower transfer fees.

Typically, the better rates offered by Moneycorp mean that on a transfer of £10,000 into euros you will save an average of £300-£400 against the rates offered by your bank.

2 - Don't lose out on transfer fees

A typical high street bank will also charge you anywhere between £20 and £40 to make an international money transfer. So, if you need to make regular monthly transfers that could cost you as much as £480 a year on fees alone.

The transfer fees with the Mirror International Money Transfer Service start from just £4, potentially saving you hundreds a year.

3 - Watch out for those fluctuating rates!

The foreign exchange market never sleeps and exchange rates change by the second, significantly plummeting or soaring in matter of weeks, sometimes days. So if you want to look after your money you'll need to watch those rates.

For example around this time last year, January 2013, the pound would buy €1.23, but by March the pound sunk to €1.14. So a transfer of €50,000 in January would have cost £40,650, in March £43,860.  That's a difference of £3,210 in a matter of months just due to the shifting market rate.

To help you understand the fast moving currency markets, the Mirror Money Transfer Service will assign you a personal account manager. They will give you specialist guidance on the market and help you change currencies at the right time to get the best possible exchange rate.

4 - Get online to make your transfers fit around your life

Increasingly, we are using online banking to manage our current accounts and credit cards. It’s quick, easy and payments can be made at the click of a button. Wouldn’t it be great if making international transfers were so simple?

With the Mirror Money Transfer Service, the convenience of an online service is available for your overseas payments. As well as contact with your expert account manager, you can also enjoy 24/7 access to making transfers online.

It’s a simple process; create a no-obligation account, just select the currencies you want to buy and sell and the amount you wish to transfer. Using a UK debit card or a bank transfer you simply send the funds and complete your transfer at the click of a mouse.

If you do want any expert help, your dealer is only a phone call away.

5 - Keep it secure, keep it safe

 Moneycorp – providers of the Mirror Money Transfer Service – is authorised and regulated by the FCA for the provision of payment services and has been helping thousands of individuals and businesses since 1979.

Moneycorp helped with over 2 million customer transactions and moved over £8.5 billion last year.

So you can rest easy, knowing your money is in safe hands.
Top tips for sending money overseas Top tips for sending money overseas Reviewed by Unknown on 10:38 AM Rating: 5

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